Oh man. Two weeks later...
What a long, unexpected blogging break! I have such high hopes of someday adding sponsors to this blog & doing some bigger things, but when a month like this pops up & quickly snowballs into mild chaos & brief catastrophe - Well, it's awfully nice to be able to just take a step back & be present away from the computer screen. Beyond
nice, it was necessary!
As you may know, I
quit my job of three years as an event coordinator & have been
pursuing some of my dreams of becoming an entrepreneur/small business owner. I keep promising more details on all of this, but I'm still (STILL!) getting ducks in rows & aligning stars. In the mean time, I've been using my time to also pursuit some of my artistic passions - hand lettering, photography, crafting - to continue contributing to that whole "affording to live" thing ;) It's been awesome, & I've been learning SO, so much. A lot of these types of projects all landed in my lap
this month, & I have been BUSY. Which is amazing, since as a work-from-home-wife, downtime is sort of terrifying & causes deep moments of self-doubt & decision regret ;)
So, that's part of it. However, last week, in the midst of the busy-ness & deadlines, I also wrecked our car on the way home from my sister's birthday dinner. & when I say
wrecked, I mean totaled. & when I say our
car, I mean our sparkly, new (to us) car - The one that didn't need repairs once a month, or a jump-start once a week & was made in this century/decade. Not Jared's nearly-20-year-old Civic. No, no. I am positively fine, & no one else was involved, & I am so blessed to have been wrapped in God's arms for protection during the accident, because it could have been so much worse. It has been a long past few days of phone calls with the insurance company & car shopping & sore bones... So, that's the other part of it.
It has been a long, long month. The overwhelming message through all of it is that our God provides. Providing projects & clients, protection & solutions, peace & stability.
& so! I'm feeling refreshed - & just in time for a Friendsgiving weekend in Richmond, the wonderful Thanksgiving holiday & a South Carolina wedding weekend shortly after. I
even have our first ever giveaway on the radar, so don't give up on this little blog! WE HAVE SWAG, SWAG I TELL YOU!
Thanks for hanging in there. I'm planning to frequent these parts more often.