
this month - march

EATING - birthday cake for Jared, mama & one of my besties
DRINKING - more coffee, because it's somehow not spring yet
PRACTICING - making the bed every morning
MASTERING - the french twist
LEARNING - to appreciate decaf coffee & tea in lieu of dessert
PLAYING - James Vincent Mcmorrow's latest album & The Black Keys on Pandora
FINISHING - my "winter" foundation off in anticipation of some vitamin D
READING - Isaiah
WATCHING - The Grand Budapest Hotel, almost certainly followed by a Wes Anderson marathon
WALKING - with blisters since my feet are apparently not used to flats after this cold winter
WEARING - layers to keep up with days that start & end cold with some warm in the middle
COOKING - my mom's Corned Beef & Cabbage recipe (for the first time!) for a St. Patty's party
WORKING - on a fun project with Virginia Bloggers
TRAVELING - to the beach on any warm days March throws at us
WANTING - to spend plenty of time with my grandparents, who are in town for most of the month

Whatcha doin' this month?


  1. your blog is oh so lovely! found you off feel + flourish. now following; excited for what's to come!

    1. such a compliment from someone with such an exquisite blog as yourself! seriously, I just got lost in your photos for a solid 20 minutes. LOVE.


because lezz be frandz.