
bits of sunday

The Coulombs joined us for some Norfolk festivities last weekend, but Jared kinda ended up working a little bit more than originally anticipated. But it was okay! Because Andrew really loves soaking up as much girl time with me & Amelia as possible. At least, that's what I translated "I'm going to the Naval History Museum" to mean. But really, it was still the loads of fun that Coulomb weekends tend to be.

We are now at the weekend AFTER that because I took baby pictures on Monday, & working on 200 moments of newborn cuteness usually just... consumes my being. Between those and planning a Husband Birthday Celebration EXTRAORDINAIRE, I'm a little scattered these days.

But it's March! The last quiet month before event season kicks into gear! So, we are determined to soak it up. Soak up whatever little pieces of quiet that we have left, even if there are three major Bethune-calendar birthdays & a seriously important bridal shower mixed into said quiet. Also looking to soak up a mini vacation. Not gonna lie.

That's all I have tonight. Baby pictures are staring at me & blinking with their big, newborn eyes, begging for the last 40 minutes of my awake time on this cold, cloudy March 1st, 2013.

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because lezz be frandz.