
minus & plus

blog silence = busy times. 
but mostly really great busy times! that include lots of pictures!

my whole department was away at a conference last week, so I got to wear many, many hats at work.
I survived. I also took 2.5 days off, so I sorta cheated.

I survived my first 5k! (there may have been some walking involved.)
I'm still sore!

there's a chipped paint mess all over the back seat/trunk of our car.
it's from a really lovely find in Carytown that I can't wait to show you.

super crazy traffic on the way home from Richmond
road trip conversations with my guy. it's a lot of laughing & hand holding.

mixed emotions of leaving dear friends & our carefree weekend to come home to our still-mostly-disorganized-apartment.
the last of the boxes have been emptied & it's just an organizing game from here on out!

I should have done some of said organizing tonight.
I made baked macaroni & cheese instead. 

ohhhhhh, september. please slow down. 


  1. Where is carytown? There's one liiiike, 5 minutes from my house....and if you were there without telling me you're in a whole mess of trouble lady!

    1. Noooo, it was the Richmond Carytown... Which is more like, you know, a street. Trust me, if I were anywhere close to you & that baby belly, I'd come find you!


because lezz be frandz.