
engagement - save the date session

Aren't these beautiful?
Levi captured the day's completely pristine sky so well.
That sky seriously made up for the um, frigid weather we were dealing with.
Can you even tell we were freezing?
Nope, because I got my love to keep me warm ;)

Looking at these pictures all over again, I think three things:
1. Jared looks so cuddly in his Mr. Roger's sweater & I'm excited for fall all over again.
2. My brother-in-law is, quite clearly, the best.
3. The shoes I'm wearing were perhaps my favorite flats in all the history of flats...
& my parents' (then) puppy chewed them to BITS like, 3 days later. & I'M STILL SO SAD.

I'm working backwards through our engagement photos, 
in case the hair color didn't give that away...
But bear with me! 
I'm gearing up to chat through our wedding paper suite this week,
which starts with a photo from this very photo shoot.
Seriously, I can't thank Levi enough for sticking with me through the 57 save-the-date ideas I had,
taking pictures from every angle that we could possibly need,
& then a lovely post-production process to get the photo to work.

I'm excited!
But even more so, I'm excited to be HOME from my trip.
So excuse me, while I go hang out with my darling husby.

xo, kelsey


  1. It's just such a shame that you don't have very many photos of you two to display around your home.... ;)

  2. I know, right? ;) These are actually the only prints I even have framed around the house. The nice thing about the film roll being discovered (we really did all forget about them) was that they're FILM. Already printed! Yaaay!!

  3. My comment totally disappeared!?

    So basically, It is IMPOSSIBLE to pick a favorite out of the bunch. They are all so very good. But if i HAAAAAD to it would be number ten. Definitely ten.


because lezz be frandz.