
so fresh so clean

meet my make-up free face!
face, internet... internet, face.
yes, I'm completely lucid,
although the faces I'm making may suggest otherwise.
I've had some pretty luh-haaame headaches this past week,
which have resulted in a "meh" approach to life in general,
& all around poo-mood.
these are celebratory yay!-no-headache-tonight! pictures.

last night's headache was the pits.
but then jared got home & asked me if I'd taken medicine,
(which I almost always have not taken because one of these days,
wallowing in self pity will someday actually have healing powers),
& then gave me meds + favorite juice.
& then got my favorite blanket.
& then tucked me into the couch.
& then turned on an episode of how I met your mother on netflix.
& then ate himself into a hummus-induced coma.
which made me laugh...
because I had no idea he was hoarding a 2 gallon vat of hummus in our fridge.
(I wasn't kidding about the costco addiction, people.)
& 3 episodes in, I started feeling a little better.
because he's the best at taking care of me.
myyyy herooo.

thanks for making me feel better, husb.

xo, kelsey


  1. AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!!! Seriously though, how big is your fridge? How does one hide a 2 gallon vat of hummus? And I'm glad you're feeling better!

  2. This sounds oddly similar to my week thus far... 3-day headaches last week and this.


because lezz be frandz.